Israel has two official languages: Hebrew and Arabic. Let’s focus on Hebrew, which is the most widely spoken language in the country. Here are some Hebrew language basics to help you get started:
- שלום (Shalom) – Hello/Peace
- בוקר טוב (Boker tov) – Good morning
- ערב טוב (Erev tov) – Good evening
- לילה טוב (Laila tov) – Good night
Common Phrases:
- איך הייתך? (Eich hayita?) – How are you? (masculine)
- איך היית? (Eich hayit?) – How are you? (feminine)
- תודה (Toda) – Thank you
- בבקשה (Bevakasha) – You’re welcome/Please
- אני מצטער (Ani mitsta’er) – I’m sorry
- אני לא מבין (Ani lo mevin) – I don’t understand
Basic Questions:
- מי? (Mi?) – Who?
- מה? (Ma?) – What?
- איפה? (Eifo?) – Where?
- מתי? (Matay?) – When?
- למה? (Lama?) – Why?
- איך? (Eich?) – How?
Basic Verbs:
- להיות (Lihyot) – to be
- להיהולך (Lalechet) – to go
- לבוא (Lavo) – to come
- לדבר (Ledaber) – to speak
- להבין (Lehavin) – to understand
- ללמוד (Lilmod) – to learn
Basic Vocabulary:
- כן (Ken) – Yes
- לא (Lo) – No
- אני (Ani) – I
- אתה (Ata) – You (masculine)
- את (At) – You (feminine)
- הוא (Hu) – He
- היא (Hi) – She
- אנחנו (Anachnu) – We
- אתם (Atem) – You (plural/masculine)
- אתן (Aten) – You (plural/feminine)
- הם (Hem) – They (masculine)
- הן (Hen) – They (feminine)
These basics should provide you with a starting point for learning Hebrew. To further improve your language skills, consider using language learning resources like textbooks, online courses, or language exchange programs. Practice speaking and listening as much as possible, and try to immerse yourself in the language by watching Hebrew movies, TV shows, or listening to Hebrew music.
בהצלחה! (Good luck!)