Cyprus has two official languages: Greek and Turkish. Greek is more widely spoken, so let’s focus on some Greek language basics specific to Cyprus:
- Γεια σας! (Ya sas!) – Hello! (formal)
- Γεια σου! (Ya sou!) – Hi! (informal)
- Καλημέρα! (Kali̱méra!) – Good morning!
- Καλησπέρα! (Kalispera!) – Good evening!
- Καληνύχτα! (Kalinýkhta!) – Good night!
Common Phrases:
- Πώς είστε; (Pos íste?) – How are you? (formal)
- Τι κάνεις; (Ti kánis?) – How are you? (informal)
- Ευχαριστώ. (Efcharistó̱.) – Thank you.
- Παρακαλώ. (Parakaló̱.) – You’re welcome/Please.
- Συγνώμη. (Sygnó̱mi̱.) – Excuse me.
- Λυπάμαι. (Ly̱páme.) – I’m sorry.
Basic Questions:
- Ποιος; (Pois?) – Who?
- Τι; (Ti?) – What?
- Πού; (Pou?) – Where?
- Πότε; (Póte?) – When?
- Γιατί; (Yiatí?) – Why?
- Πώς; (Pos?) – How?
Basic Verbs:
- είμαι (ímai) – to be
- έχω (écho) – to have
- πηγαίνω (pi̱gaíno̱) – to go
- έρχομαι (érchomai) – to come
- μιλάω (miláo) – to speak
- καταλαβαίνω (katalavaíno̱) – to understand
- μαθαίνω (mathaíno̱) – to learn
Basic Vocabulary:
- Ναι (Ne) – Yes
- Όχι (O̱chi) – No
- Εγώ (Egó̱) – I
- Εσύ (Esý) – You
- Αυτός/Αυτή/Αυτό (Aftós/Aftí/Aftó) – He/She/It
- Εμείς (Emeís) – We
- Εσείς (Eseís) – You (plural/formal)
- Αυτοί/Αυτές (Aftoí/Aftés) – They
- Ευχαριστώ (Efcharistó̱) – Thank you
- Γεια σας (Ya sas) – Goodbye (formal)
Remember that language usage may vary across different regions, so these phrases represent a general guide to the Greek language as spoken in Cyprus. To further improve your language skills, consider using language learning resources like textbooks, online courses, or language exchange programs. Καλή επιτυ